Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cognitive Learning Theories and Strategies

As teachers, it is our duty to find the best way possible for students to understand, retain and recall the information given. Technology has become a powerful tool in creating these visual and auditory information pertaining to a certain topic.

After reading chapter 4 in, "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works," I have been enlightened by using explicit cues when allowing students to research or preview a project that they are ready to approach. In this chapter it explains how using software and online graphic organizers to reach a point as to why we are learning about a topic. In this case Ms. Douglas was talking about bridges and the properties to the structure and design of certain bridges. She would give websites and vocabulary terms to allow students to get a deeper concept of how and why bridges are built the way they are.

Cognitive learning through procedural application gives students a picture memory of how things work. The graphic organizer allows for students to gather the information learned and to create connections for the brain to store the information longer in the mind. This strategy gives students to understand and retain the information needed to visualize in their mind of how a bridge holds so many lives everyday.


  1. Murphy,
    I have to admit I sometimes lose sight of the fact my job is to find the best way possible for my students to understand, retain and recall the lesson material. It is easy to get wrapped up in the everyday chores and hassles of dealing with unmotivated children and helping them achieve to the best of their abilities in spite of their poor attitudes. As you noted technology provides tools that I can use to find the best ways to reach all of my students ....even those that do not want to be reached. I am looking forward to the opportunities these new tools will provide.

  2. Murphy,
    One of the best things that I like about the graphic organizers is that it allows the studetns to individualize the information for themselves. Like you said its our job to find what works best for the students and sometimes that might be impossbile. I believe that the graphic organizers allow the students to organize the information in the best possbile way for their brians to retrive the information.

  3. Richard,
    I find that the toughest part of being a teacher is to stay motivated yourself esspecially three weeks before test dates and the end of the school year. It is only right to try and find a little more in ourselves to wrap up the school year. Sometimes to keep students focused is by using technology.
