Thursday, January 14, 2010

Using Blog's to Discuss a Hot Topic

When I started to think of Blogging and how to use it in my classroom, my mind was blank. Then I realized in my Design and Drawing for Productions course most of the time a current event topic arises leaves time for questions and a discussion as a whole. Like for example, What would happen if photovoltaic cells ( a fancy word for solar panels) could produce more energy from the sun rays than the current ones used today? What would happen to society? Would it be the next revolution? Where would you see them? Questions that are always left up for discussion and I think it would be a great blog for a group of students to post and discuss on the Internet instead of circling the desks and having me talk and ask questions until I am blue in the face. Maybe blogging could expand students way of thinking on these certain topics. It seems to me this generation are more apt able to see what is on their mind through texting and typing then in front of a classroom.


  1. Hi Chris-

    I like your ideas and you are right a blog would make a great place to have students comment on questions and ideas. Could students have their own blog accounts?

  2. I don't see why not. It would all depend on the filter in the school. If they were to get access it would be good for each student to have their own account.
